Hello And thanks for stopping by our booking agent page,

How to Book us?

If you are looking to book either our Journey Tribute Band or Eagles Tribute Band please get in contact with one of our below booking agents. We are available for national and international events.


P.L.H. Booking

Owner/Agent: Penni L. Herrick

Phone: 615.572.2991

Email: plhbooking@hotmail.com

Cape Coral, Fl U.S.A.



attn: Cord Coslor, agent

"Representing the finest stars of music, sports & the big screen!
PO Box 494314 - Port Charlotte, FL 33949
(Ofc) 941.624.2254

e-mail: booking@celebritydirect.biz
Licensed & bonded talent agency: #TA0000987

Skype: cordcoslor

Facebook: celebdirect and coslor

*** Licensed & bonded talent agency: #TA0000987